Auditor Brett Favre received 1.1M in Mississippi welfare funds for speeches he never gave

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A nonprofit group involved in an for misusing money allegedly paid NFL Hall of Famer Brett Favre $1.1 million to speak at events. The problem, according to Mi si sippi's state auditor, is that Favre never Austin Hedges Jersey showed up for the events in question.State Auditor Shad White announced $94 million worth of questionable spending from the Mi si sippi Department of Human Services (DHS) recently. The funds reportedly were used for many events that did not a sist those in need, despite what Zach Davies Jersey the nonprofit claimed. That includes payment for sports activities.The Mi si sippi Community Education Center sent the payments to Favre, who resides in the state. According to the audit, the former quarterback was paid $500,000 in December 2017 and $600,000 in June 2018.The money was meant in exchange for Favre to make an appearances and speechs at multiple events, but the report says, "upon a cursory review of those dates, auditors Kirby Yates Jersey were able to determine that the individual contracted did not speak nor was he present for those events." Favre does not face any criminal charges for his alleged connection, according to the AP.White described this as one of biggest public corruption cases the state has seen in decades."If there Craig Stammen Jersey was a way to mi spend money, it seems DHS leadership or their grantees thought of it and tried it," White said, adding the audit "shows the most egregious mi spending my staff have seen in their careers.", John Davis, Mi si sippi's director of the Department of Human Services from January 2016 until July 2019, has been indicted along with Tyson Ross Jersey director of the Mi si sippi Community Education Center, Nancy New.The report states that that Department of Human Services leaders "participated in a widespread and pervasive conspiracy to circumvent internal controls, state law, and federal regulations" to move the money to particular places, including to family members of the leaders in question.This audit comes just a Trey Wingenter Jersey few months after their former Human Services director and five others were indicted on charges of embezzling around $4 million. Those involved have pleaded not guilty.
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